
Oregon City School District is committed to providing equal educational opportunities and a safe learning environment for all students, 教师, 和工作人员.  我们的 政策 against all forms of discrimination is clear and can be found on our 政策 database.

任何形式的种族歧视, color, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 宗教, 国家的起源, 残疾 or any other category protected by state or federal law is not tolerated. OCSD会立即报告, 调查并回应所有歧视指控, 包括骚扰和报复, 并采取适当的纪律处分, 纠正, and remedial measures necessary to ensure a safe and equitable learning and workplace environment for all school community members.  OCSD will also report such incidents to the appropriate authorities when applicable and share major incidents and patterns with the community affected.


偏见事件是一个人对另一个人充满敌意的表达, 与他人所认为的种族有关的, color, 宗教, 性别认同, 性别表达, 性取向, 残疾, 或者国籍. 偏见事件可能包括贬损的语言或行为.

Any time a member of our community is treated differently or disadvantaged because an aspect of their identity puts them in a protected class, 这可能是一个歧视或偏见的事件.  歧视可能会以微妙的偏见的形式出现, 侮辱性言语:以侮辱或蔑称的形式发表的仇恨言论, 或者对过去的事件或报告进行持续的骚扰或报复. 一些欺凌事件, 或者以不受欢迎的方式反复针对他人, 也可能是歧视行为. Criminal acts motivated by bias may be considered hate crimes and may involve additional legal consequences. 

Words and expression are essential to the educational goals and processes of our schools, 学生们应该培养表达自己观点的能力, 说服他人, 并通过辩论和讨论向他人学习. But we also understand that words can demonstrate bias, embody hatred, and cause harm. 

当可能的歧视或偏见事件发生时, we are committed to conducting a full investigation to determine what harm has been done, 如何才能充分解决这个问题, 以及防止它再次发生的方法.


特别禁止的仇恨象征是绞索, 新纳粹意识形态的象征, 或是邦联的战旗. 仇恨的象征也可以是象征, 图像, 或者是基于种族表达敌意的物体, color, 宗教, 性别认同, 性别表达, 性取向, 残疾, 或者国籍.


报告针对学生的偏见事件, 管理员, 教师, 或职员会通知惩教署当局并提供支援, 干预, 以及对相关人员的教育. The Bias Incident Report form is designed to collect testimonies and data to provide relevant professional development opportunities to improve GAPS district culture and school communities. This form is a place where affected students and families can document issues they encounter in district learning spaces, 属性, 节目和活动.



When a staff member learns of a potential bias incident or display of a symbol of hate, the staff member will prioritize the safety and well-being of all persons impacted and promptly report the incident to the building or program administrator.


The administrator shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint and investigate any complaint of a bias incident. 管理员将认识到所有受影响人员的经历, 承认影响, 承诺立即采取行动, and commit to preventing further harm against those persons impacted from taking place. 教育组成部分和重定向程序(如果有的话)将:

  • 解决偏见和仇恨的历史和影响;

  • 促进受偏见和仇恨影响者的安全和康复;

  • Promote accountability and transformation for people who cause harm; and

  • 促进改变造成伤害的条件.

    The administrator must consider whether the behavior implicates other district policies or civil rights laws, 如果是这样的话, 回应accordingly2.


    All persons impacted by the act will be provided with information3 relating to the investigation and outcome of the investigation, 包括:

  • 已启动调查的通知;

  • 调查完成时的通知;

  • 调查结果及根据调查结果作出的最终决定;

  • Actions taken to remedy a person’s behavior and prevent reoccurrence; and


当可适用, the legal citation of any law prohibiting disclosure of any information described above, 并解释该法则如何适用于当前情况.

如投诉人或答辩人希望对行政管理人的决定提出上诉, the complainant or respondent may submit a written appeal to the superintendent within five school days after receipt of the administrator’s response to the complaint.

The superintendent shall acknowledge receipt of the appeal and may meet with all parties involved. The superintendent will review the merits of the complaint and the administrator’s decision. 督学会在10个学日内以书面回复投诉人.

The superintendent will ensure that the requirements in Steps 1 and 2 (redirection procedures, 请注意, 等.)在适当情况下继续通过步骤3实现.

If the complainant or respondent is not satisfied with the decision of the superintendent, a written appeal may be filed with the Board within five school days of receipt of the superintendent’s response to Step 3. 董事会可在董事会会议上决定聆讯或拒绝上诉要求. The Board may use an executive session if the subject matter qualifies under Oregon law. 如果委员会决定听取上诉, the Board may meet with the concerned parties and their representative at a Board meeting. The Board’s decision will be final and will address each allegation in the complaint and contain reasons for the Board’s decision. A copy of the Board’s final decision shall be sent to the complainant in writing within 10 days of this meeting.

The Board will ensure that the requirements in Steps 1 and 2 (redirection procedures, 请注意, 等.)在适当情况下继续通过步骤4实现.


投诉可以向管理员提交或直接与管理员沟通, 在这种情况下,将跳过步骤1. 投诉 against the administrator can be directed to the superintendent and will begin at Step 3. 投诉 against the superintendent or a Board member(s) can be directed to the Board and will begin at Step 4. 如果投诉开始于步骤1之后, 审查投诉的个人将确保满足所有要求.

原告, 如果一个人居住在该地区, 家长在该区上学的学生的家长或监护人, 或者是学生, 用尽当地的投诉程序后仍不满意, the district fails to render a written decision within 30 days of submission of the complaint at any step or fails to resolve the complaint within 90 days of the initial filing of the complaint, may appeal4 the district’s final decision to the Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction under Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 581-002-0001 – 581-002-0023.

投诉也可以直接提交给美国商务部.S. 教育部民权办公室.5

District administration will develop and implement instructional materials to ensure that all school employees, 员工和学生都知道这项政策, 本行政法规及有关做法. The materials will include reporting procedures, educational processes, and possible consequences.

When necessary, timelines may be adjusted by the district by communicating to all parties in writing. This communication must include a new timeline and an explanation of why the timeline must be adjusted.